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working tools
tornado horizon New Generation

working tools

The galvanised rear central partition is a deflector positioned in the middle of the end of the spreading table. It deflects the spread material outwards to reduce the overlap of the two spreading sheets. It is therefore of interest when spreading lime or similar materials. It is usually bolted and has a pivot system so that it can easily be folded under the table as required.

The left and right limitation boards allow to limit the spreading width. They are hydraulically controlled and can be adjusted comfortably from the driver's seat at any time and according to the needs. These boards are the ideal tool for headland spreading.

All muck spreaders are equipped with a beater frame bolted to the body. It can therefore be removed to use the spreader as a silage trailer.

The beater teeth of the JOSKIN muck spreaders are made of HB or HARDOX special steel. Since they are bolted on, they can easily be changed if they wear out. In addition, most of them have a reversible design. When worn, they can be rotated by 180° to double their service life.

The 'Horizon' universal spreaders have a canopy with hydraulic opening in their standard equipment. When spreading manure with a lot of straw, it is therefore possible to open it upwards and spread the manure mainly via the two horizontal beaters.